By Peggy Murphy
2 August 2017
President Alix presided over the meeting

Members Present:  Alix, Peggy, Harvey, Shahid, Richard, Fr. Philippe, Frank, Mahbub, Bina, Jeffrey, Manny, Loren.


Guests Present:  AG Bob Stern, Golda Solomon, Julie Cousens (grant recipients), Lisa Summa-Guarino (Prospective Member)


Meeting Highlights:

Alix opened the Meeting at 12:25 with the Pledge, a Prayer for Rotary and the community by Fr. Philippe, the recitation of the Four-Way Test, and the Rotary song led by Harvey.  The Meeting adjourned at 1:40.

Happy Bucks in the amount of $56 was collected.


Minutes of the 26 July Meeting were unanimously approved.

Guest Bob Stern is the AG for Area 4 and a Member of the Hartsdale-Greenburgh RC.  He will be attending 2017 District Conference/On to Bermuda in October and invited Club Members to plan on attending.  DG Barbara is scheduled to undergo surgery in September.  PDG Janet DiBenedetto has been designated as Vice-Governor to perform the functions of DG in the event that it becomes necessary for a short time.  Bob hopes to be a frequent guest to our Meetings.

National Night Out – Mahbub reported that this event at Andrus Field (First Precinct) had a great turn out.  He, Bina, Richard, Shaw, Lou, Greg, and Sandy were in attendance..  Prospective Member George (Outback) and Pattie S. (Luciano’s) were also there providing visitors with samples of their food.  Mahbub also invited the Captain of the First Precinct to attend a future Meeting.  Alix, Peggy, Parul (and her husband and daughter) attended the event at JFK Marina (Fourth Precinct), and there was also a huge turn out.  She spoke with a representative from the Hudson River Museum, and they have offered to provide us a room at no charge for a future event  She also informed us of a potential new Member she met; he is President of a new downtown coop. Senator Andrea Stewart Cousins, Councilman Gary Pretlow, and Judge Mary Anne Scattaretico-Naber are interested in speaking to our Club.Peggy invited the Fourth Precinct Police Lieutenant to attend an upcoming Meeting.  Loren attended NNO at a Bronx Precinct event.  They had approximately 300 attendees and many vendors.

December Fundraiser – Harvey reported that our Club has been doing the Holiday Raffle for about 10 years.  It was suggested that we have a 50/50 instead this year.  Discussion was held on this possibility, it has been referred to the Board.


Guests Julie Cousens (Director – Blue Door Gallery) and Golda Solomon (Poet-in-Residence at Blue Door) spoke at our Meeting today.  Blue Door Gallery, in conjunction with the Science Barge, is a recent Community Service Grant recipient, with a program called ArtSpeak/BargeSpeak.  Blue Door initially began as “Art on Main.”  Alix informed us that Greg was instrumental in getting the gallery started.  Julie  indicated that the Science Barge now has a Farmers’ Market at Philipse Manor Hall.  Four local galleries are participating in a “Gallery Hop,” beginning August 3, on the first Thursday of each month.  Golda is a Communications Professor at Borough of Manhattan Community College and also at Manhattan College in Riverdale.  She designed ArtSpeak for Blue Door.  It includes creative writing workshops using art as a prop whereby attendees write on the current art exhibition.  All writers and artists and the public at large are invited to the Science Barge (September 2-5) and to Blue Door on October 1.


Family Services Field Day – August 31 from 11:00 – 2:30, location to be determined.  Alix reported that Kinship Services has asked us to assist with a field-day for their inter-generational program grandparents/caregivers..  As a recent Community Service Grant recipient, their grant enabled the caregivers to take their grandchildren to the zoo. The Field Day event, which they would like to call Rotary Day  will be for all families. They will have a special physical education fitness program for the children  and would like to have an hour long art project for grandparents. They need help with the day’s activities.




Shahid won today’s drawing of $18.

He drew 3 of Spades, which was discarded.



The  winning card is the Queen of Hearts


The “Pot” is at $506.00.

12 Cards remain in the deck.


Happy Bucks – $56.00

Meeting Glimpses
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